Friday, April 16, 2010

This Is How I Feel

Well, it's been a little over a month since my last post. It's not the easiest thing in the world for me to just sit down and write. I wish it was that easy. Expression of feelings for me is complicated. I can ponder in my head all day what I want to say to someone, but when I try to express it, it just doesn't come out right. There's times where I want to tell somebody off or really let them know how I feel, and I rehearse it in my brain over and over again, but when that moment comes, I freeze. Is it fear? Maybe so. I think of myself as a non-confrontational person. That could be a great asset some of the time, but sometimes, it allows people to take advantage of my kind nature. My biggest challenge for me is changing that characteristic of mine. Can you be nice and cut throat at the same time? How do I even start the process without hurting people? I guess that's something I need to find out. I do know that I need to not allow people to take advantage of my time, talent, and good nature. My future depends on it.

On a lighter note, tonight I will be playing a live session with Joe Pace. I've been rehearsing all week with a great group of musicians. It's always fun when I have great skilled musicians who understand how to work together. This is my first opportunity playing with Terry Baker. Terry is a phoenominal drummer! Very musical in his approach. Somebody asked me, "Have y'all played together before? Cuz y'all have a tight lock!" That was a great compliment for me! I feel that I can play with any drummer that has the right concept of playing drums! As a percussionist, I'm like the seasoning on a great steak! So, with that said, I can make any GOOD drummer sound GREAT! Bobby Sparks once told me, "The percussionist is supposed to make the people dance!" And that's what I try to do every time I play!


  1. Wow! Awesome blog! You asked some really good questioins...since you already know how I feel about these issues, I will hope that others will chime in and share their view! Love ya babe!

  2. I don't know if you can be cut throat and kind at the same time, but you certainly can be kind and confident. Jesus was both. I'm not gonna preach, but he let the Pharisee's have it, and he still was compassionate to others. You can possess both qualities. Christian doesn't mean door mat. God is able to make all grace abound toward you. Sometimes you need the grace to handle business in a way that might seem hard to some, but it necessary.
